Join us for our next meeting, every 1st Thursday at the Reach Foundation.
Everyone is welcome!
Can't attend in person? Join the meeting by dialing:​
Once in dial access code: 4348091
Welcome Members!
In this section of the website you will find links to official board documents, important notices, upcoming events and other information that is approved by the board for distribution to our members.

Click Here to see
Board Documents

Want to become a member?
Our members are allowed to vote on important decisions that effect the preservation and restoration of the original 1838 Rendezvous site, as well as having a voice in the official business of the association. As an added benefit members are allowed to camp on the original 1838 Rendezvous grounds year round free of charge. Join us to make a difference in preserving an important Wyoming historical landmark.
To become a member you can fill out the form on our Membership page and mail it in with payment or you can e-mail us or come to our next meeting.
Cost of Membership:
$25 for Individual (1 vote)
$35 for Family (2 votes)
*A supporting member is not eligible to vote but is otherwise eligible for all other rights and privileges of being a member of the 1838 Rendezvous Association
$875 for Lifetime Membership (2 votes)
$25 for Supporting Member